Title | Date | Size (kBytes) | Contact | | |
Draft Minutes for CALMAC Teleconference 04/28/2009 | 4/28/2009 | 2270 | |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC Conference Call 04/28/09 (corrected) | 4/28/2009 | 2264 | Athena M. Besa |  | |
Telephone Call in Information for CALMAC Meeting 03/18/09 | 3/18/2009 | 40 | |  | |
Draft Agenda for March 18, 2009 CALMAC Meeting | 3/18/2009 | 44 | Athena M. Besa |  | |
2004-05 Multi-Family | 10/17/2007 | 176 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC Meeting 10/17/07 | 10/17/2007 | 29 | |  | |
2005 HEES Presentation | 10/17/2007 | 84 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
2004-05 HEES (Home EE Surveys) | 10/17/2007 | 433 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
2004-05 Residential New Construction | 10/17/2007 | 401 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
2005 California Lighting & Appliance Saturation | 10/17/2007 | 1197 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
2004-05 Single Family | 10/17/2007 | 298 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Tami Rasmussen - Ltg NTG Presenation | 7/18/2007 | 173 | |  | |
Don Dohrmann Presentation | 7/18/2007 | 263 | |  | |
Doug Mahone Presentation | 7/18/2007 | 103 | |  | |
Mike Rufo NTG Presentation | 7/18/2007 | 627 | |  | |
Rafael Friedmann Presentation | 7/18/2007 | 89 | |  | |
Clark Bernier NTG Examples Presentation | 7/18/2007 | 142 | |  | |
Dan Violette - NTG Presentation | 7/18/2007 | 310 | |  | |
Draft Agenda for CALMAC Meeting 07/18/07 | 7/18/2007 | 28 | |  | |
Rafael Friedman's Slides for 06/20/07 CALMAC Meeting | 6/20/2007 | 80 | |  | |
Updated CALMAC Agenda 06/20/07 10:00 AM | 6/20/2007 | 26 | |  | |
CALMAC Draft Agenda - June 20, 2007 | 6/20/2007 | 26 | |  | |
Schuck Presenation 06/20/07 | 6/20/2007 | 588 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC Meeting April 18, 2007 | 4/18/2007 | 25 | |  | |
Website Contractors Area Presentation | 4/18/2007 | 39 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
CPUC RFP Status Presenation | 4/18/2007 | 56 | Tim Drew |  | |
NAESB EM&V Protocols Effort | 4/18/2007 | 37 | |  | |
PG&E Slides for 02/21/2007 CALMAC Meeting | 2/21/2007 | 364 | |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC Meeting 02/21/07 | 2/21/2007 | 34 | |  | |
More Detailed SCE Evaluation Plans as presented to CPUC | 2/21/2007 | 98 | |  | |
SCE Slides for 02/21/2007 CALMAC meeting | 2/21/2007 | 69 | |  | |
Sempra Presentation to CALMAC Mtg 02/21/07 | 2/21/2007 | 707 | Kevin McKinley |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC Meeting 10/19/05 | 10/19/2005 | 29 | |  | |
Doug Mahone
CALMAC Presentation | 10/19/2005 | 78 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
EM&V Data Request | 10/19/2005 | 28 | |  | |
DEER and Measure Cost Presentation
| 9/21/2005 | 2168 | Ingrid Bran |  | |
Website Committee Quarterly Rpt to CALMAC | 9/21/2005 | 56 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Information for Online Participants
| 9/21/2005 | 26 | Ingrid Bran |  | |
CALMAC Meeting Agenda - revised 9/19/05 | 9/21/2005 | 0 | Shahana Samiullah |  | |
Cancellation Notice for August 17, 2005 CALMAC Meeting | 8/17/2005 | 25 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
EULs for CALMAC Discussion | 7/20/2005 | 53 | Shahana Samiullah |  | |
Evaluation Approach | 7/20/2005 | 272 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Upstream Evaluation Issues | 7/20/2005 | 12 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Revised Agenda for CALMAC Meeting 07/20/2005 | 7/20/2005 | 29 | |  | |
CALMAC Meeting Agenda 06-15-05 | 6/15/2005 | 27 | |  | |
Cancellation Notice for May 18, 2005 CALMAC Meeting | 5/18/2005 | 24 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Cancellation Notice for April 20, 2005 CALMAC Meeting | 4/20/2005 | 24 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Draft Agenda for March 16, 2005 CALMAC Meeting | 3/16/2005 | 28 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
EM&V 2004-2005 Statewide RFP & Project Status 02/16/05 | 3/16/2005 | 18 | |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC meeting 03/16/05 | 3/16/2005 | 28 | |  | |
Draft Roadmap Cover Letter | 3/16/2005 | 32 | |  | |
Agenda of CALMAC 2-17-05 Meeting | 2/17/2005 | 57 | |  | |
DEER Update for CALMAC 02/17/05 | 2/17/2005 | 42 | Shahana Samiullah |  | |
Agenda for February 9, 2005 CALMAC Meeting | 2/9/2005 | 23 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Cancellation Notice for January 19, 2005 CALMAC Meeting | 1/19/2005 | 24 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
December 2004 CALMAC Meeting - Agenda | 12/15/2004 | 24 | Kenneth James |  | |
Best Practices Website Demonstration Slides | 12/15/2004 | 744 | Kenneth James |  | |
Updates: Consortium for Energy Efficiency and Association of Energy Services Professionals | 12/15/2004 | 79 | Ingrid Bran |  | |
EEGA CALMAC Demonstration | 12/15/2004 | 834 | Tim Drew |  | |
CALMAC Website Committee Status Report, 12/15/04 | 12/15/2004 | 48 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
EEGA Report Samples | 12/15/2004 | 303 | Tim Drew |  | |
Draft Agenda for December 15, 2004 CALMAC Meeting | 12/15/2004 | 25 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Cancellation Notice for November 17, 2004 CALMAC Meeting | 11/17/2004 | 24 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Protocols and Framework Presentation | 10/27/2004 | 4804 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
10-27-04 CALMAC Agenda (Update) | 10/27/2004 | 24 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
California Industrial Energy Efficiency Potential Analysis | 10/27/2004 | 141 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Slides for the Presentation on Overarching Studies | 10/27/2004 | 142 | Pierre Landry |  | |
Website Status Report to CALMAC 10/27/04 | 10/27/2004 | 28 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Energy Efficiency Potential Study Update 2003 | 10/27/2004 | 77 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Minutes of CALMAC 10/27/04 Meeting | 10/27/2004 | 54 | Ingrid Bran |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC Meeting 9/22/04 - Updated 09/20/04 | 9/22/2004 | 24 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
CPUC Master Service EM&V Contractor Presentation to CALMAC 09-22-04 | 9/22/2004 | 163 | |  | |
Presentation on Incorporating International Measurement and Verification Protocols (IPMVP) into EM&V Studies | 9/22/2004 | 514 | |  | |
Residential New Construction Presentation for CALMAC 9/22/04 | 9/22/2004 | 103 | Mary Kay Gobris |  | |
Minutes for CALMAC Meeting 09/22/04 | 9/22/2004 | 50 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Nonresidential New Construction, Codes & Standards Updates and Issues Presentation | 9/22/2004 | 406 | Doug Mahone |  | |
Minutes for CALMAC Meeting 08/18/04 | 8/18/2004 | 40 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Measure Cost Overview for CALMAC Meeting 08/18/04 | 8/18/2004 | 30 | Craig Tyler |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC Meeting 08/18/04 (Updated) | 8/18/2004 | 21 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
CA RASS Presentation for 8/18/04 CALMAC Meeting | 8/18/2004 | 272 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
CALMAC Web Status Report for CALMAC Meeting 08/18/04 | 8/18/2004 | 50 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
CALMAC Conference Call Minutes, June 16, 2004 | 6/16/2004 | 30 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Updated Agenda for CALMAC 06-16-04 Meeting via Conference Call | 6/16/2004 | 24 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Minutes for CALMAC Meeting May 19, 2004 | 5/19/2004 | 30 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Agenda for CALMAC Meeting May 19, 2004, 10:00AM to 2:00 PM. (Updated 5/14/04) | 5/19/2004 | 24 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Handouts from CALMAC 05-19-04 Mtg | 5/19/2004 | 1410 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
Mearsure Cost Overview for CALMAC Meeting 8/18/04 | 4/18/2004 | 26 | Craig Tyler |  | |
2004-05 Over-Arching Study Draft Plan | 10/23/2003 | 134 | |  | |
CALMAC Workshop on Over-Arching Energy Efficiency Studies for 2004-05 | 10/23/2003 | 28 | |  | |
Evaluation Framework Discussion Draft for Sept. 3-4 Workshops | 9/4/2003 | 821 | |  | |
Preliminary Notice, Agenda, and Directions for Sept 3-4 Workshops on New California Evaluation Framework Project | 9/4/2003 | 24 | |  | |
Instructions for Webcast and Teleconference for Sept. 3-4 Workshops | 9/4/2003 | 23 | Tim Caulfield |  | |
CALMAC Sept. 3-4 Workshop: Evaluation Framework Presentation and Comments | 9/4/2003 | 732 | |  | |
Revised Agenda for June 4 CALMAC Workshop | 6/4/2003 | 20 | Mary Anderson |  | |
CALMAC Proposals - June 4, 2003 | 6/4/2003 | 237 | Mary Anderson |  | |
CALMAC 2003 Planning Workshop Notes
| 6/4/2003 | 76 | |  | |
CALMAC Statewide Framework Workshop Minutes | 4/28/2003 | 2505 | |  | |
CALMAC Meeting Notes | 11/20/2002 | 42 | |  | |
CALMAC Workshop on Plans for the Master Contract for Evaluation Coordination and Review | 9/18/2002 | 1761 | |  | |
CALMAC Workshop on 2002 Statewide Studies | 6/12/2002 | 151 | |  | |
CALMAC Meeting Notes | 5/22/2002 | 31 | |  | |
Minutes from March 20, 2002 CALMAC Meeting | 4/15/2002 | 7 | |  | |
Minutes from February 27, 2002 Meeting | 3/15/2002 | 14 | Sylvia Bender |  | |
CALMAC meeting will be held Wednesday, March 20, 11 AM - 3 PM, in the ORA conference room, 770 L Street, Suite 1050, Sacramento.
- No Attached File | 3/14/2002 | | | | |
CALMAC Meeting February 27, 2002 at Pacific Energy Center 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. | 2/25/2002 | 7 | Sylvia Bender |  | |
Minutes from January 16, 2002 CALMAC Meeting. | 2/14/2002 | 17 | |  | |
CALMAC Meeting August 15, 2001 at Office of Ratepayer Adovcates (ORA) 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. | 1/15/2002 | 22 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Notes from November 28, 2001 CALMAC Conference Phone Call | 1/15/2002 | 5 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Draft Meeting notes from the October 24, 2001 CALMAC Meeting | 1/14/2002 | 41 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Final Minutes from the May 2, 2001 CALMAC Meeting | 1/13/2002 | 29 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
CALMAC February 21, 2001 Public Workshop on 2001 Utility Specific and CEC MA&E Studies | 1/12/2002 | 107 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Minutes from the January 29, 2001 Meeting | 1/11/2002 | 27 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
CALMAC Meeting October 24 at Pacific Energy Center 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. | 10/1/2001 | 20 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Final Minutes from the August 15, CALMAC meeting | 8/29/2001 | 44 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
Final Minutes for the June 20, 2001, CALMAC Meeting | 6/29/2001 | 77 | Valerie K. Richardson |  | |
If you are a member of CALMAC, MAESTRO, or CADMAC and are looking for a way to SUBMIT a notice/agenda for an upcoming meeting or minutes for a past meeting, you need to go to the Administration page and select and fill out the appropriate information for posting. | |